Crew Members Accuse Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment of Non-Payment

Crew Members Accuse Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment of Non-Payment. In the glitzy world of Bollywood, where dreams are spun into larger-than-life tales, there exists a less glamorous reality—one that often remains hidden behind the dazzling lights and star-studded premieres. This reality involves the unsung heroes of the film industry: the crew members who toil tirelessly behind the scenes to bring our favorite movies to life. Recently, crew members associated with Jackky Bhagnani’s production house, Pooja Entertainment, have stepped into the spotlight—but not for the reasons they hoped.

The allegations are straightforward: crew members claim that they have not received their rightful salaries for a staggering two years. These are the individuals responsible for everything from setting up lights to designing costumes, from managing logistics to ensuring continuity in scenes. Their dedication and hard work are the backbone of any successful film production.

Ruchita Kamble’s Heartfelt Plea

Crew Members Accuse Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment of Non-Payment

Ruchita Kamble, a member of the Pooja Entertainment crew, took to Instagram to share her frustration. Her heartfelt post resonated with others who had faced similar struggles. In her words, “We poured our sweat, creativity, and sleepless nights into these projects. But when it came to payment, we were left hanging.” Ruchita’s post struck a chord with fellow crew members who had been grappling with financial uncertainty.

The Disparity: Actors vs. Crew

Crew Members Accuse Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment of Non-Payment

What adds salt to the wound is the stark contrast between actors and crew members. While lead actors receive their paychecks promptly, crew members wait in vain. It’s a tale of two worlds within the same production house. The crew members, often working on shoestring budgets, rely on timely payments to meet their basic needs. Yet, as the months turned into years, their patience wore thin.

Pooja Entertainment’s Silence

As the controversy simmers, Pooja Entertainment has maintained a conspicuous silence. The lack of communication from the production house has only fueled the crew members’ frustration. Questions abound: Why the delay? What hurdles prevent the company from fulfilling its financial obligations?

Crew Members Accuse Jackky Bhagnani’s Pooja Entertainment of Non-Payment. In conclusion, the crew members’ accusations against Pooja Entertainment serve as a wake-up call.


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