David Beckham cheats on Victoria Beckham with a Spanish model

A controversial book on the world’s most famous couples alleged that David Beckham stepped out on his wife, Victoria Beckham. Throughout their 25-year marriage. British journalist Tom Bower’s “The House of Beckham” made startling allegations against the A-list couple, alleging they were at the brink of divorce a few times.

Mixed Reviews on the Book’s Revelations

A source told Page Six that “The House of Beckham,” already released in the United Kingdom. Reportedly has no new revelations that haven’t already been discussed in the public sphere. However, the source noted, “Having it all in one place is super damning. Victoria and David will have thought they left all of this behind.”

David Beckham Early Alleged Infidelity

For those living under a rock, in the early 2000s, soccer star David Beckham was accused of cheating on his wife with his former personal assistant Rebecca Loos. The affair scandal began with Beckham’s move to Madrid to play for the soccer team Real Madrid in the summer of 2003.

In September, a few months after the move, Beckham was spotted on a night out with a mystery brunette in Madrid. This event sparked widespread rumors and media frenzy about Beckham’s fidelity.

Rebecca Loos’ Tell-All Interview

Later that month, Loos gave a tell-all television interview with Sky News’s Kay Burley. In which she said they had first slept together the night they were spotted at the nightclub in September. “I think the chemistry between David and I was so strong, and people were not happy because I was being very unprofessional and he’s a married man,” she said, adding: “We dropped off the other two people in the car and started kissing quite passionately all the way back to the hotel. It was like magnets, pretty amazing.”

Additional Affair Allegations Surface

Soon after Loos came forward, two more women said they’d also had affairs with the famous soccer player. The model Sarah Marbeck told the News of the World she had an affair with Beckham in July 2001 while the soccer star was in Singapore with Manchester United. “When we made love David told me, ‘I know what we are doing is wrong, but I can’t help it,'” Marbeck said. “The first time he took me to bed, he kissed me everywhere. I looked down and there was David Beckham kissing my breasts. David Beckham!”

David Beckham Denies Marbeck’s Claims

Beckham denied Marbeck’s claims in a statement published by The Guardian at the time. “This weekend a series of even more absurd and unsubstantiated claims have been published about David and Victoria Beckham,” the statement read. “The couple continue to dismiss these stories and they will not be commenting upon them further at this time. Lawyers have been instructed by David and Victoria concerning these matters.”

A week later, a third woman came forward to the British tabloid The People. Celina Laurie told the publication she and Beckham had a one-night stand in Denmark in August 2002.

In his Netflix documentary, the soccer star addressed the two-decade-old affair allegations and the subsequent media attention but did not confirm or deny the claims.

Alleged Affair with a Spanish Model

In the new tome, Loos alleged Beckham also cheated on his wife with a Spanish model. The author wrote that Loos alleged she walked in on him in bed with Spanish model Esther Cañadas. After Victoria called her, screaming to track her husband down one night. Beckham was allegedly playing for Real Madrid and attending a party at his teammate Cristiano Ronaldo’s villa at the time of the incident. Loos reportedly knocked on a bedroom door and found Beckham inside with Cañadas.

Bower claimed Loos was “very hurt” by Beckham’s actions as she was under the impression she was the only person he had an affair with.

Loos’ Reflects on the Scandal

Almost 10 years after the scandal, Loos appeared on the British daytime television show “Daybreak.” And addressed her alleged affair with Beckham. She said, “I’m a mother now and married, and knowing what I know now I would definitely have gone about things quite differently,” the Metro reported. “I was young and foolish and very reckless. Didn’t think things through and acted on impulse a lot. I think I regret the impact on everybody. I could have gone about it in a kinder way.”

Loos added: “I don’t regret speaking out but I regret the way I went about it.”

David Beckham has yet to address the allegations. Meanwhile, the book will be available in the US on June 25.


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