Joey King Gives Insights into Poppy Prescott’s Voice and Demeanor

Joey King Gives Insights into Poppy Prescott’s Voice and Demeanor. Despicable Me 4 star Joey King recently opened up about her experience recording the voiceover for the animated character Poppy Prescott. According to King, voicing an animated character allows her to explore creativity uniquely, relying solely on her voice to convey emotions and personality.

The Freedom of Voice-Over: “Recording voice-over for an animated movie is one of my favorite things to do because you have to give everything using just your voice,” King explains. “You end up making a bit of a fool of yourself to understand what the character is going through.” Unlike on-screen acting, where physical expressions play a significant role, voice acting allows King to let loose without worrying about appearances. This freedom enables her to fully immerse herself in the character.

Poppy Prescott’s Unique Voice

Poppy Prescott, the character voiced by Joey King, is both fun and endearing. King intentionally added a cute little lisp to Poppy’s voice, which became one of her favorite aspects of the character. “I love when kids try to be all serious and make a point with that innocent, childlike voice,” King says. Poppy’s lisp adds an extra layer of charm and playfulness to her character.

Interestingly, King admits that Poppy’s lisp unintentionally makes her come off as scarier. While Poppy is meant to be over-the-top and entertaining, the lisp adds an unexpected twist. Perhaps it’s the combination of innocence and a slight speech impediment that creates an intriguing contrast.

The Joy of Animated Characters

Joey King’s enthusiasm for voice acting shines through as she describes the joy of playing characters like Poppy. “I can really go for it and do some wild stuff,” she says. “And there’s no wrong way to do it.” For King, the process of creating a character’s voice involves experimentation, playfulness, and a willingness to embrace the unexpected.

Despicable Me 4 Release Date: Directed by Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage, Despicable Me 4 is set to release on July 5, 2024. Fans can look forward to hearing Joey King’s delightful lisp as Poppy Prescott, a character who manages to be both adorable and surprisingly intimidating.


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