Kanye West asks Kim Kardashian for financial help

Kanye West, the iconic rapper and entrepreneur, has recently raised eyebrows after being spotted flying economy with his wife, Bianca Censori. This sighting comes amidst ongoing financial challenges following his fallout with major brands, most notably Adidas. The 47-year-old artist is reportedly seeking assistance from his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, as his financial situation worsens.

The Impact of Losing Major Deals

In October 2022, Adidas severed ties with Kanye West due to antisemitic comments he made on social media. This decision significantly impacted West’s earnings and net worth. According to a source from In Touch, “Kanye’s been burning through his savings at an alarming rate, and it’s starting to have a very real impact on his bank balance.” Despite still having some income, the loss of the Adidas partnership has seen “many zeros drop off his net worth.”

The insider further explained that West initially didn’t adjust his spending habits and even increased his expenditures to prove his financial stability. However, he has now reached a point where cutbacks are necessary, such as opting for commercial flights instead of private jets. Earlier this month, a TikTok video went viral, capturing the Heartless rapper and Censori on a commercial flight. “Was not expecting to see Kanye when I walked out of the bathroom, to say the least,” TikTok user Brandon Doggett commented in the caption.

Financial Differences Between Kanye and Kim

The financial gap between Kanye West and Kim Kardashian has become more pronounced. While West faces financial strain, Kardashian’s businesses are thriving. “She’s been very smart with her money and business is booming, so she’s able to spoil the kids in a way Kanye can’t,” the source revealed. Kim reportedly has the luxury of chartering private jets and hiring stretch limo services effortlessly, highlighting the contrast in their financial situations.

The source also mentioned that West is still responsible for custody payments, which adds to his financial burden. This has reportedly put him in the difficult position of asking Kardashian for help. “It’s put him in the humiliating position of needing to actually ask Kim to give him a break and help him out,” the insider said. Admitting his financial struggles to his ex-wife has been challenging for West, as he prefers to maintain an image of success.

Ultimately, the insider noted, “Having to admit to her that things are not as great as he likes to pretend is rock bottom for him. The only thing lower is going broke, so he’s had to humble himself and ask her for help.”

As Kanye West navigates his financial challenges, fans and observers are left wondering how this situation will impact his future ventures and personal life. Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian continues to flourish, highlighting the stark contrast between their financial realities


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