Orry To Make His Debut In THIS Hollywood Film

andOrhan Awatramani, popularly known as Orry, has become a well-known figure in our lives, frequently appearing in news headlines and paparazzi snapshots. Gaining notoriety for his presence at nearly every Bollywood party, his fame skyrocketed after his appearance on the reality show ‘Bigg Boss’ last year. Recently, it has come to light that Orry is set to make his film debut, and it’s in Hollywood. This exciting information was revealed by Orry himself to the popular social media page, Things2Do.

Orry Cameo in a Hollywood Film

In his revelation, Orry shared, “The other day, I did a cameo in a Hollywood film. I can’t say which one but it’s my Hollywood debut (smiles)! They loved me so much on set that they offered me a role. They told me, ‘Don’t just do a cameo, come again and we’ll extend the character’.” This statement highlights his charm and the positive impression he made during his brief stint on the Hollywood set, resulting in an offer for a more substantial role.

Declining a Full-Fledged Hollywood Role

Despite the enticing offer, Orry declined. He explained, “I said, ‘Guys, I can’t. I’d really love more screen time but I can’t as I have things to do, places to be and a life to live’. I cannot sign away my time doing the same thing  have done a cameo; I have worked in a movie. I have experienced what it’s like to be on a film set in London.” Orry’s refusal sheds light on his desire to maintain a diverse and active lifestyle rather than committing to a single lengthy project.

Orry Dislikes Film Sets

One of the key reasons Orry does not want to pursue acting full-time is his dislike for film sets. He elaborated, “There are so many wires (on a film set). You could just trip and die. Why are there so many wires? And that’s really something the film industry needs to tackle is the wire problem. Imagine you are traveling, you take out your bag and you see your laptop charger, phone charger, and earphones all tangled up. Are you happy about that? Now imagine an entire set full of that!” Orry’s vivid description underscores his aversion to the chaotic environment often found on film sets, further explaining his reluctance to immerse himself fully in the acting world.

Orry’s Mother’s Reservations

She had her reservations about his decision to decline the full-fledged role. He shared, “My mom asked me, ‘Why didn’t you take it? You should have taken it up. It’s a good film’. I explained, ‘I don’t have such time. I have events to attend and people to meet’. My mom replied, ‘Orry, you are a ‘liver’ but you haven’t got the full experience of acting on a UK set and being an actor’. I told her, ‘Mother, you are not wrong. But you are not right either’!” This exchange highlights the differing perspectives between Orry and his mother regarding the value and experience of acting in a major film.


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