Youtuber Khalid Al Ameri Gets Engaged To A Telugu Actress

Social media is abuzz with rumors surrounding Dubai-based influencer Khalid Al Ameri and Tamil actor Sunaina’s alleged engagement. The speculation ignited on June 5 when Sunaina posted a cryptic photo on social media. The image showed two hands—hers and a man’s—clasping each other, accompanied by a lock emoji. This subtle hint suggested she was engaged, although she kept her fiancé’s identity a mystery.

Sunaina (Actress) Wiki, Age, Movies, Photos, Husband, Family & Contact

Khalid Al Ameri Response Fuels Engagement Rumors

The excitement grew when Khalid Al Ameri liked Sunaina’s post. On June 26, Khalid shared a similar photo on his social media, depicting the couple holding hands with a diamond ring adorning the woman’s finger. This post led many fans to connect the dots, speculating that Khalid and Sunaina were indeed engaged and potentially planning a wedding.

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Possible Wedding Plans and Khalid’s Connection to Chennai

Reports indicate that the couple may tie the knot this year. Khalid appears to be in Chennai at present, as evidenced by a recent Instagram post where he mentioned a meet-up at a local restaurant. His connection to Chennai is further highlighted by his friendship with Chennai-based YouTuber Irfan, whom he visited in 2023 for Irfan’s wedding. Khalid has expressed his fondness for Chennai and its residents, indicating a desire to visit the city frequently with his family.

Khalid’s Past Relationship with Salama Mohamed

Khalid Al Ameri’s was married to Salama Mohamed previously. She disclosed in a YouTube interview that their divorce was finalized on February 14 this year. Khalid, an alumnus of Stanford. Salama were a well-known influencer couple in the Middle East. Each amassing millions of followers across their social media platforms.

Sunaina’s Career and Background

Sunaina, originally from Hyderabad, has made a significant mark in the Tamil film industry. She debuted in Telugu cinema in 2005 and has since garnered acclaim for her performances. Her latest role was in the Tamil crime thriller “Inspector Rishi,” which premiered on Amazon Prime Video in March.


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