Difference between a Counsellor and a Psychologist, whom to approach when dealing with Mental Health issues


Taking care of Mental Health is essential; if you or someone you know is dealing with a rough patch in life due to any issues associated with mental health, please seek help.  Here are the government helpline contact details:


Dealing with Mental Health can change from “I am trying” to “It’s tiring”. The journey of healing is complex, and asking for help might seem challenging. Sometimes, an individual could feel at ease speaking to a stranger over a close one due to various concerns, from fearing judgment to being worried about the opposite individual. So, how do we choose that individual who can make us feel at ease? Is it a counsellor or a therapist? Read to know whom to approach.

Counsellors and Psychologists work in the same field but share different responsibilities. 


Counsellors often work to help an individual reach a goal in terms of academics and relationships and sometimes help in dealing with addiction. Counsellers work for a driven purpose, guiding an individual with situation-based solutions. 

Three types of counsellors work towards an individual to accomplish an aim set by the individual themselves:

Marriage Counsellors: They try to guide a couple by listening to either of the individual versions, helping them figure out the root of the problem, and guiding the couple on how to solve it.

Academic Counsellors:  Academic counsellors are of two types: career and school counsellors. Either of them works towards helping their client or student to set and reach better academic goals. On the other hand, school counsellors work on solving emotional turmoil and stress that students often fall prey to.


Psychologists specialize in the chosen field psychology, and when approaching a psychologist, it is a must to learn if they have pursued P.H.D in the subject, as psychologists in India are granted the license to practice only after they pursue P.H.D in clinical psychology. Psychologists specialize on a diverse level compared to counsellors, as they are qualified to recommend medications and psychotherapies. They work on a long term goal healing and medical practices. For instance: If an individual is struggling through anxiety, each individual might heal at their own pace, it is not a disease to be treated with meds, it is a phase which an individual can move-on from through interactions and figuring out the root of the cause.


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