Failing to quit smoking, You are going to reconsider smoking if you know why people turn to smokers

The Portuguese familiarised smoking in India in 1605 through Tobacco plantations in Gujarat and many other parts of India. The twentieth century has seen the most significant improvements and a drastic rise in smokers in India. According to the Father Of Psychology, Sigmund Freud, people tend to smoke due to various reasons. One is the lack of Toilet training, you read it right. One of the significant case studies suggests that Toddlers who aren’t provided with proper Toilet training could lead them to smoke; now, the question is, how does that even make sense?

Here’s how it works. A child has to master many skills as they grow older; infants identify their guardians through touch over remembering the face of the guardian initially, which is why a child is handed over to their mother right after birth. Eventually, they have to master many skills associated with primary senses—namely, the senses of touch, smell, hearing, taste, olfaction and gustation.

As they master all these skills, they must be trained to understand when to use the toilet. The child has to be 18 months or older to understand the urge to use the toilet; a few children avoid using the toilet as they are lazy or fear pressure to get done with daily chores, which is when they fall subject to constipation or addiction. Mastering this skill implies the flight or fight response in the initial physical and mental growth stages; most kids who avoid learning it fall prey to addiction.

A few other reasons involve parents’ addiction or the mother engaging in tobacco use when pregnant; this situation might not only increase the chance for the child to smoke but also cause undergrowth in the child. Feelings of stress, loneliness and sadness could also be a reason for an individual becoming a smoker.

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