Here are the uses of Pumpkin to maintain our health and Beauty!

Everyone knows that pumpkin is useful for us in many ways. But many people do not know that the properties of this fruit can be used for our skin beauty, healthy hair and health. It is a very common fruit that is available worldwide. It is available in a variety of colors and sizes.

Pumpkin is well known for Halloween party. It contains many types of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants etc that works like magic on us.

Benefits of Pumpkin:

1. Asthma Treatment.

Pumpkin also has properties that can easily cure many types of health problems. The antioxidants present in the pumpkin fruit reduce the infection of our respiratory tracts and gradually reduce asthma.

2. Dry skin treatment

For dry skin treatment, mix one spoon of boiled pumpkin pulp with half spoon of honey and half spoon of milk. make it a fine paste. Apply this mixture on the face and keep it for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Apply the moisturizer immediately after carrying it.


3. Oily skin treatment

For this, mix a spoonful of pumpkin pulp and a little amount of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixure on your face as pack. After that, wait for 30 minutes till it gets dried, wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Dark spots treatment

Pumpkin is also useful for removing dark spots on our skin. For this treatment, Mix one tablespoon of pumpkin pulp, one tablespoon of milk, one tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of vitamin E oil and make it a fine paste. Apply this mixture on the face and keep it for 30 minutes until it dries well and then wash it off with warm water.

5. Anti aging treatment

The properties of this pumpkin are also useful for anti aging. Vitamin C is high in this pumpkin. It repairs skin damage caused by harmful sun rays. It produces collagen in our body and gives eternal youthful beauty.

6. Pumpkin body pack
Pumpkin is not only for facial beauty but can also be used as a body pack.

For this, Mix one cup of boiled pumpkin pulp, one cup of coconut paste and half a cup of cinnamon powder. After that apply it on the body and keep it for 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

7. Hair growth secret

The properties of pumpkin are very helpful in reducing hair fall. Alpha carotene, potassium, and zinc properties in pumpkin promote hair growth and produce collagen. Hair growth increases with oil from pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin has many health benefits. It contains many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
It contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, flavonoids, and the antioxidants carotenoids, and lutein. Also minerals include iron, copper, potassium, calcium, and phosphorous.

8. Calories
This pumpkin can be included in many types of diet olans. It is very useful in balancing the diet due to its low calorie content.

9. Acne treatment

If you use pumpkin like this, no matter how much you are suffering from acne, you can get rid of that problem very soon.

Whether eating pumpkin or applying it on the face, the vitamin B, niacin, riboflavin, B6 contained in it increases blood circulation, reduces skin damage and prevents acne.

10. A healthy heart
Antioxidants in pumpkin help strengthen the heart and keep blood pressure normal. It is also useful in reducing cholesterol.


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