What is Impression Formation?

What is Impression Formation?

A saying that goes, “First Impression Is The Best Impression.” is debatable, but is it essential to make Impressions? sometimes, the first impressions could also go wrong; read more about how Impressions impact our decisions.

Impression is introduced by an Asch. Solomon Asch is an American-Polish psychologist who also introduced the conformity approach. Conformity, as the word suggests, refers to an individual’s tendency to confirm or find reasons, logically or practically acceptable causes to make an opinion, perception and vice-versa.

Asch, in his Impression and Attribution theory, that people make impressions to make better decisions, further suggested that they make impressions based on the role of an individual in society, physical appearance and Salience(how we perceive a person by their presence).

Impression Formation focuses on minimal, personal, and professional goals, cognitive structures, and social behaviors, the end goal of which is to satisfy one’s curiosity to understand a person or satisfy oneself to make an accurate judgment of another individual.

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