2 years of “Ante Sundaraniki”: Life Lessons everyone needs

South Indian lovely girl Nazriya Nazim and Natural Star Nani paired up for a colourful and dramatic love story ‘Ante Sundaraniki’. This film has alot of elements that keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. On the second anniversary of the delightful Telugu film “Ante Sundaraniki,” let’s delve into the life lessons it offers. 2 years of “Ante Sundaraniki”, Life Lessons everyone needs.

Life Lessons everyone needs:

An Appreciation Post of Ante Sundaraniki from a Non-Telugu Speaker : r/tollywood

1. Love Knows No Boundaries:
The film revolves around Sundar (played by Nani), a Hindu, and Leela (played by Nazriya Nazim Fahadh), a Christian. Their love defies religious barriers, emphasizing that genuine connections transcend societal norms. “Ante Sundaraniki” encourages us to embrace love without prejudice.

2. The Art of Deception:
Sundar and Leela concoct elaborate lies to convince their families about their interfaith relationship. While deception isn’t ideal, the film highlights the lengths people go to for love. It reminds us that sometimes, bending the truth is necessary to break free from oppressive traditions.

3. Parental Expectations vs. Individual Dreams:
The parents in the film play a crucial role. They grapple with their children’s choices, questioning whether they love them for who they are or merely as vessels to fulfill their own dreams. “Ante Sundaraniki” prompts us to reflect on parental expectations and the importance of supporting individual aspirations.

4. Breaking Stereotypes:
Sundar’s father doesn’t blindly trust his son’s lies. This challenges the stereotype of parents being gullible or foolish. The film portrays parents as intelligent, capable of analyzing situations, and willing to adapt. It’s a refreshing departure from typical rom-com tropes.

5. Formal Innovation in Telugu Cinema:
Director-writer Vivek Athreya adopts a unique storytelling structure. Sundar narrates his story to different people, reminiscent of “Rashomon,” but with spicier twists. The film’s chapters keep us engaged, revealing omissions based on the listener. It’s a refreshing departure from formulaic narratives.

6. Love as a Heist:
In a patriarchal society, love itself can feel like a heist. Sundar and Leela’s cons to win their families’ approval mirror this struggle. The film cleverly weaves romance with heist elements, making it one of the most inventive Telugu films in recent years.

“Ante Sundaraniki” combines fun, romance, and thought-provoking themes. As we celebrate its second anniversary, let’s cherish its lessons and embrace love fearlessly.


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