Actress attacks Prabhas Lord Ram look

Actress attacks Prabhas’ Lord Ram look
Prabhas is the star of the highly anticipated movie “Adipurush,” which has been trending on social media. Fans and cinema aficionados praised the recently released trailer. However, the devoted fan base of Prabhas was not pleased with actress Kasthuri Shankar’s comments regarding the movie.

Kasthuri Shankar is well known for her roles in Tamil and Telugu movies, but recently she has become renowned among the Telugu audience for her role in the Intinti Gruhalaxmi TV serial. Coming to the topic, Kasthuri brought up the lack of a conventional portrayal of Lord Ram sporting a mustache in Indian cinema. She added that she thought Prabhas’ portrayal in the movie looked more like Karna from the Mahabharata than like Lord Ram.

The actress took to Twitter and stated, “Is there any tradition where Lord Ramji and Laxman are portrayed with mustaches and facial hair? Why this disturbing departure? Especially in Prabhas’ Telugu home, Sri Rama has been played to perfection by legends. I feel Prabhas looks like Karna, not Rama. #Adipurush

Fans of Prabhas immediately denounced Kasthuri’s remarks in response. They highlighted how the film “Adipurush” depicts Lord Ram as a fearsome warrior and showcases Om Raut’s innovative rendition of the epic Ramayana. They advised Kasthuri to examine the movie’s specifics more carefully before making a judgement.

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