Another Hollywood Artist Blames Kalki 2898 AD Makers About Plagiarism

The trailer for the much-anticipated Indian science fiction film “Kalki 2898 AD” has found itself in the midst of a plagiarism controversy. Hollywood concept artist Oliver Beck has accused the film’s production company, Vyjayanthi Movies, of copying his artwork for the Prabhas-starring project.

Kalki 2898 AD Initial Collaboration Talks

In an exclusive interview, Beck revealed a surprising twist. He stated that Vyjayanthi Movies had initially approached him to potentially collaborate on “Kalki 2898 AD.” However, the discussions did not materialize. Beck noticed striking resemblances to his work when the film’s trailer was released in June 2024, leading him to suspect plagiarism.

Observations from the Artistic Community

Beck is not alone in his claims. Another Hollywood concept artist, Sung Choi, also voiced similar concerns on X (formerly Twitter). Although Choi later deleted his tweet, Beck has continued to stand by his allegations. He pointed out that while the similarities might not be immediately apparent to the general audience, the artistic community clearly identifies the references.

Another Hollywood Artist Blames Kalki 2898 AD Makers About Plagiarism

“It might be difficult to see the plagiarism when you are not an artist,” Beck explained. “But all my artist friends and the community are very clear that this was referenced from my work.” He elaborated further, noting, “The main takeaways are the color palettes, which are the same, and the shapes. It is not an exact copy, but the shapes are similar. It is too much of a coincidence because they also contacted me to work on this film. So, they know my portfolio and have seen my work; it is too much of a coincidence.”

Kalki 2898 AD Legal Action Challenges

Beck acknowledges the complexities of pursuing legal action in this case. Since his work was not directly copied, it does not fall under copyright protection. He contrasted his situation with Sung Choi’s, suggesting that Choi’s case might have a stronger legal standing due to more explicit copying.


Limited Recourse for Artists

Artists often find themselves with limited options in such situations. Beck highlighted the possibility of filing a copyright strike on platforms like YouTube to raise awareness but admitted the challenges in achieving a satisfactory resolution. This incident marks the first significant case of alleged plagiarism involving Beck’s work in the Indian film industry. He has faced minor issues before, but this particular event has left him disheartened.

Impact on Perception of Indian Film Industry

This experience has adversely affected Beck’s perception of working in Indian cinema. Initially, he saw it as a promising opportunity to diversify, especially during a slowdown in Hollywood. However, his conversations with other artists have been discouraging.

He explained, “As they spend a lot of money on actors, there is no budget left to pay artists, and they resort to plagiarising and doing some cheap work, which is really unpleasant. I spoke to another person who worked on Kalki 2898 AD but they quit after only a week because of a bad work environment. I have received a lot of negative feedback and now I am not interested in working in that industry.”

Unaddressed Allegations and Future Implications

Vyjayanthi Movies has not yet addressed the accusations. It remains to be seen whether this controversy will affect the film’s release or its reception. The unfolding of these events will be closely watched by both the film industry and the artistic community.


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