Kangana Inspired by PM Modi and Narayana Murthy

Actor-turned-Parliamentarian Kangana Ranaut has voiced strong opinions on the Indian work culture, emphasizing the need for people to be ‘obsessed’ with their work to propel the nation forward. She shared a video of Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaking about his dedication to working 24×7 towards nation-building and added her thoughts on Instagram.

Normalizing an Obsessive Work Culture

In her Instagram Story, Kangana Ranaut highlighted the importance of normalizing an obsessive work culture. She urged people to stop waiting for weekends and complaining about Mondays, calling such attitudes “western brainwashing.” According to Ranaut, India is not yet a developed nation, and an intense focus on work is essential for progress.

Infosys Founder Narayana Murthy’s Similar Views

Earlier this year, Infosys founder Narayana Murthy made similar comments, attracting criticism from the working population. In a podcast conversation, Murthy suggested that young Indians should work extra hours to compete with leading global economies. He pointed out that India’s work productivity is among the lowest in the world and stressed the need to improve it to compete with fast-growing countries like China and Japan.

Murthy’s Call for Increased Work Hours

Murthy advocated for a significant increase in work hours, urging youngsters to work 70 hours a week. He believes that this dedication is crucial for India’s economic growth and competitiveness on the global stage. His comments sparked a debate about work-life balance and productivity in India, drawing both support and criticism.

MP Kangana Ranaut’s Political Debut

Kangana Ranaut recently made her political debut, winning the Mandi Lok Sabha seat in Himachal Pradesh. She defeated her nearest Congress rival by over 74,000 votes, marking a significant victory in her home state. Her transition from acting to politics has been closely watched, with many anticipating her impact on the political landscape.

Incident at Chandigarh Airport

Following her election win, Kangana Ranaut was involved in an incident at the Chandigarh airport where she was allegedly hit and abused by a woman CISF constable. The altercation occurred during a security check, with reports suggesting the constable was upset over Ranaut’s stance on the farmers’ protests. The constable, Kulwinder Kaur, was suspended and an FIR was lodged against her.

Kangana Ranaut is known for her outspoken nature and controversial stances on various issues. Her comments on work culture align with her broader views on national development and personal responsibility. As she steps into her new role as an MP, her influence and statements are likely to continue shaping public discourse.


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