Chet Hanks Opens Up About Past Drug Abuse

Chet Hanks, son of renowned actor Tom Hanks, recently opened up about his past struggles with drug abuse on the latest episode of the Raw Talk podcast. The 33-year-old actor, known for his roles in Greyhound and Empire, candidly discussed his battle with cocaine addiction. “The drug I had the most problem with was just fking coke, dude,” Chet told podcaster Bradley Martyn. “I’m a fking cokehead, straight-up. Not anymore, but that is my drug of choice — cocaine, bro, like Tony Montana,” he confessed.

Chet recalled instances where even fellow drug users, whom he referred to as “known cokeheads,” would caution him to take it easy. “You’re like, ‘I know this dude’s a f**king cokehead, but I want a little bump.’ Like, ‘OK, fine,’” he said. “I would go do coke with the cokeheads, and they would be telling me, like, ‘Yo, chill, bro. … Wait a second. Give it like 15 minutes,” he added. At the height of his addiction, Chet admitted he “couldn’t get enough” of the harmful drug.

The Toll of Cocaine Addiction

Reflecting on his past, Chet Hanks emphasized the detrimental effects of cocaine on both his physical and mental health. He revealed that cocaine wasn’t only “so bad” for his heart health but also for his “soul.” “It’s terrible. It eats away [at you]. You just, like, wither away ’cause you can’t eat, you can’t sleep,” he explained. This realization has driven Chet to distance himself from drug use and focus on his recovery.

This isn’t the first time Chet has publicly addressed his struggles with addiction. In 2015, he posted a video on Instagram revealing that he had entered rehab. “A couple months ago, I was selling coke, doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack,” he shared at the time. His openness about his journey through addiction and recovery highlights the challenges many face and the importance of seeking help.

Chet Hanks’ candid admissions serve as a powerful reminder of the dangers of drug abuse and the possibility of recovery. As he continues to focus on his health and career, his story offers hope and inspiration to others battling addiction.


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