Diljit Dosanjh on His Roots: Punjab, Punjabi, and Punjabiyat

Actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh, fresh from his appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show, is currently busy promoting his highly anticipated film, Jatt & Juliet 3. Known for his reserved demeanor during media interactions, Dosanjh couldn’t contain his excitement as he kicked off the Punjab leg of his promotional tour. “Punjab is my home, and I source my energy from its soil. No matter where I am in the world, Punjab is with me, in my blood,” he passionately declared.

Diljit Dosanjh has always been vocal about his love for Punjab and his commitment to its culture. “I am determined to do one Punjabi film, and an album every year. That’s something substantial for me. I will continue to do everything else but would never disconnect from Punjab,” he assured his fans. His dedication to his roots is evident in his work and his presence in the Punjabi entertainment industry.

A Journey of Hard Work and Global Recognition

Diljit Dosanjh’s journey from local entertainer to global sensation has been marked by relentless hard work and dedication. In 2020, he became the first Punjabi artist to be featured at Times Square in New York City. In 2023, he made history as the first Indian artist to perform at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Earlier this month, Dosanjh achieved another milestone by becoming the first Punjabi singer to appear on The Tonight Show.

Reflecting on his journey, Dosanjh said, “People say I have become a phenomenon all of a sudden, but miss the fact that I have been working for it for the past 22 years. When you keep the hard work on, such transitions happen, and you see them yourself.” His consistent efforts have not only earned him a loyal fanbase but also turned the spotlight on Punjab and Punjabis, giving them much-deserved international representation.

Dosanjh’s fans love him equally for his singing and acting talents. His hits like G.O.A.T and MoonChild Era have cemented his place in the music industry. He finds great satisfaction in seeing Punjabi culture and artists gaining recognition on global platforms. “It was long overdue. But now, when kids see this happening, they know that they can also do it. And in fact, go way above and beyond this,” he said, emphasizing the importance of representation and inspiration for the younger generation.

Concluding his thoughts on his recent achievements, Dosanjh said, “We are living in a dream. There is nothing outside its realm. And that’s something, which should drive everyone to dream and aspire big.” His journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and staying true to one’s roots.


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