Here’s what Bihar Police did when Ayushmann Khurana spoke about cyber crime

Ayushmann Khurana speaks about cyber crime

Last week, Dream Girl 2, Ayushmann Khurana’s upcoming starrer launched its trailer on YouTube and it was a great hit. There’s a scene where Ayushmann Khurana is singing a song luring the listeners to win a ‘diamond ring’ and he does this to several people. The Bihar (Samastipru to be specific) police exported the clip and mentioned how this is a fun yet educative way of spreading awareness about cyber crime.

They have tagged Ayushmann and tweeted, “Your appearance in this movie has proven to be incredibly appealing in our fight against cyber fraud. Your act was remarkably close to the real cyber fraud calls. Please continue to spread such awareness. Best wishes, and welcome to Samastipur.”

They are alerting the citizens that just like this music video, people in real life too change their voices and persuade you to make monetary transactions or get sensitive bank information from you by offering such ‘prizes’. The police is requesting the citizens to remain vigilant and not fall for such tricks.

However, cyber crime is not limited to just scraping sensitive personal information from people for frauds. Using someone’s photograph without their consent or morphing/photoshopping them into vulgar and inappropriate images, hacking into accounts, messaging someone through a fake name, trolling or writing abusive comments are some other activities that are included in cyber crime.

Internet may look like a space to be a free-bird and enjoy ‘freedom of speech’ in negative, sadistic ways but in this world of law and order. no one can escape. Committing malicious or inappropriate/illegal activities online have repercussions of their own. Teens and underaged children along with young adults are most likely to fall prey to cyber crime culprits.

If you know someone who is a victim of cyber crime, kindly inform them that they can, in fact, lodge a complaint and safeguard themselves from online threats.

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