Ishq Vishk Reboud: A Fun Yet Frivolous Romcom

Ishq Vishk Rebound, the spiritual sequel to the 2003 hit Ishq Vishk, attempts to capture the charm of love triangles and complicated friendships. While it doesn’t surpass its predecessor, it delivers an easy-breezy watch that’s fun yet frivolous. The film, directed by Nipun Avinash Dharmadhikari, features Rohit Saraf, Pashmina Roshan, Jibraan Khan, and Naila Grewal in lead roles.

The film follows three best friends, Raghav (Rohit Saraf), Sanya (Pashmina Roshan), and Sahir (Jibraan Khan), with Riya (Naila Grewal) joining the mix. Raghav, a budding writer, finds himself in a complicated situation when he becomes the fall-back guy after Sanya and Sahir’s breakup. The plot explores the dynamics of friendship and love, but it often feels disjointed and lacks the clarity needed to fully engage the audience.

Gen Z Romance with Familiar Tropes

Ishq Vishk Rebound tries to present itself as a Gen Z romcom, but it sticks to familiar Bollywood tropes. The film showcases the confusion and indecisiveness that modern couples face, but it remains superficial. The storyline meanders, and the screenplay, co-written by Dharmadhikari and four other writers, often feels patchy. Despite its short runtime of 106 minutes, the film struggles to maintain a consistent flow and fails to deliver memorable comedic moments.

Rohit Saraf shines as Raghav, bringing charm and energy to his role. Pashmina Roshan, while given significant screen time, fails to add anything new to her character. Jibraan Khan impresses with his performance, though his screen time is limited. Naila Grewal, who shows strong acting potential, is unfortunately underutilized.

Appealing Side Stories and Family Dynamics

While the main plot focuses on the romantic entanglements of the protagonists, the side stories involving their families add depth to the narrative. Sanya’s relationship with her divorced parents, particularly a touching scene with her mother (played by Supriya Pilgaonkar), adds emotional weight. Sahir’s struggle with his ex-army father’s expectations and Raghav’s realization about his parents’ relationship provide interesting subplots that are more engaging than the central romance.

In conclusion, Ishq Vishk Rebound is not better than the original Ishq Vishk, but it isn’t a bad film either. It offers a fun and light-hearted watch, albeit with some flaws. The film’s story and characters show maturity, but there is room for improvement to make it more convincing and impactful. For those seeking a simple, entertaining romcom, Ishq Vishk Rebound is worth a watch, even if it doesn’t leave a lasting impression.


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