Justice Hema Committee: Assault women face in Kerala cinema

The Justice Hema Committee was established in the aftermath of the 2017 actress assault case, which sent shockwaves through the Malayalam film industry and the nation. Formed with the primary objective of addressing the pervasive issues of sexual harassment and gender inequality within the industry, the committee was tasked with conducting an in-depth study and proposing recommendations to create a safer and more equitable environment for women. The committee was led by Justice K. Hema, a retired judge of the Kerala High Court, and comprised other eminent members with expertise in gender issues.

Unreleased Findings and Government Inaction

Despite the committee filing its comprehensive report in 2019, the Kerala government has yet to release the details to the public. The delay in releasing the report has raised concerns and sparked debates about transparency and accountability. It is widely speculated that the report contains sensitive information that could have far-reaching implications for prominent figures and the industry at large.

The lack of action on the part of the government has drawn criticism from various quarters, including activists, film industry professionals, and the general public. They argue that withholding the report undermines the very purpose of the committee and delays much-needed reforms. The Justice Hema Committee’s findings are believed to include detailed accounts of the challenges faced by women in the industry, along with recommendations for institutional changes to prevent harassment and promote gender equality.

Calls for Transparency and Reform

The film industry and women’s rights organizations are urging the Kerala government to release the Justice Hema Committee report without further delay. Transparency, they argue, is essential for building trust and ensuring that the issues of harassment and inequality are addressed head-on. By making the report public, the government can demonstrate its commitment to protecting women in the industry and taking concrete steps towards reform.

The Justice Hema Committee report represents a significant step towards acknowledging and addressing the systemic issues that have plagued the Malayalam film industry for years. The findings and recommendations contained within it could pave the way for a safer, more inclusive, and equitable work environment for all. As the calls for transparency grow louder, it remains to be seen when and how the Kerala government will respond to this crucial issue.

The Justice Hema Committee was established to tackle the pressing issues of sexual harassment and gender inequality in the Malayalam film industry. Despite filing its report in 2019, the Kerala government has yet to release the findings, citing concerns over sensitive information. The delay has led to widespread calls for transparency and action, highlighting the need for urgent reform to protect and empower women in the industry.


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