Malaika Arora Opens Up About Co-Parenting with Arbaaz Khan

Malaika Arora and Arbaaz Khan, who divorced in 2017 after nearly 19 years of marriage, have successfully co-parented their 21-year-old son, Arhaan Khan. In a recent interview with Hello Magazine, Malaika shared insights into their journey of co-parenting. She acknowledged that while the process was initially challenging, they have managed to find a harmonious balance over the years. “For whatever it’s worth, touch wood, we’ve found a great balance now. Perhaps initially it was a little tricky. And rightly so — because that’s just how life is. We both knew that irrespective of everything else and what may have transpired between two adults, it should never reflect on a child — and we have figured out a very congenial way of co-parenting,” she explained.

Malaika emphasized the importance of ensuring that their personal differences do not affect their son. This commitment to maintaining a stable environment for Arhaan has been central to their approach, demonstrating their mutual dedication to his well-being despite their separation.

Raising Arhaan with Strong Values

Malaika also discussed her approach to parenting, focusing on instilling good values in Arhaan. She stressed the importance of teaching him to recognize his privileges and encouraging him to be independent. “Most importantly, I wanted Arhaan to have respect for others and have a sense of being able to do things on his own without relying on the privileges he has. We’ve always told him that he needs to make it on his own, even though we’re always there for him to fall back on. To be independent in his thinking, financially and emotionally too… It’s very easy for privileged children to assume their parents will always take care of everything. No, you’ve got to do it on your own,” Malaika noted.

Earlier this year, Arhaan launched his vodcast, Dumb Biryani, which featured an episode with Malaika where they discussed various topics, including sex and marriage. This open dialogue reflects the close and honest relationship they share.

Arhaan, born in 2002, remains the only child of Arbaaz and Malaika. Since their separation, Arbaaz has married makeup artist Sshura Khan, while Malaika has been in a relationship with actor Arjun Kapoor. Despite their personal lives moving in different directions, both Malaika and Arbaaz continue to prioritize Arhaan’s upbringing, providing him with a stable and loving environment.


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