Tracing the man, woman, and trans in cinema-Slippage of writing in transness

Indian Cinema

Cinema is such an art form that is discussed by the public at their own convenience, but what if the flow of ink does it when showcasing a character, be it any film that has a story to tell beyond love between two people, family, but the emotional turmoil one faces as a human?

Indian Cinema, since the last decade, has focused on the issues that happen around and represent society, including one’s identity, but jokes at the expense of one’s identity are funny, and that being said, Transgender has been the most victimised in portraying their character in the film.

Cis male actors cross-dressing as women for comic relief is often understood as the trans-community’s real identity. At the same time, few have represented their lives as a threat endangering their lives in society. When few good films have many heartfelt portrayals, it is again actors or actresses but not real transpeople portraying their characters.

These representations lead to further marginalisation of the community. Instead of having a character with layers, we get one-note sidekicks who do not add anything to the discourse of trans lives in India. At the same time, few Tamil films have portrayed a rare depiction of rightful deservation.

When objectifying one’s portrayal, the depictor needs to be as honest as possible while attempting to change how the audience sees people gaining a different perspective of knowledge. As a majorly cis-gendered audience, we might do well to reexamine and unlearn the stereotypes and falsehoods that Indian Cinema has reinforced for years.

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