Aamir Khan’s Bold Move: Redefining OTT Business with Theatrical Exclusivity

Aamir Khan’s Bold MoveAamir Khan’s Bold Move: Redefining OTT Business with Theatrical Exclusivity. Bollywood legend Aamir Khan has made the unexpected but calculated decision to withhold the digital rights to his next films until after they have had a significant theatrical run. Limiting his films to the big screen for a minimum of 12 weeks could drastically alter the OTT industry and bring back the feel of going to the movies.

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Why the Decision Was Made

Aamir Khan, who is well-known for his avant-garde methods and ground-breaking choices, is spearheading change once more. His most recent move comes at a time when the entertainment industry is dominated by (OTT) platforms. Which frequently release movies concurrently with or soon after their theatrical premiere. Aamir hopes to improve the whole cinematic experience by giving his films the full attention of theatre viewers by postponing the digital release.

The decision to keep his films exclusive to theatres for a longer period is one of the main reasons for this move. As Aamir hopes to revive the theatre industry, which has been struggling since the pandemic. One of the main motivations for this move is to address the issue of declining theatre attendance. With the ease of OTT platforms, many moviegoers prefer to wait for the digital release rather than visit theatres.

Improving Digital Rights’ Value

Aamir Khan’s Bold Move: The digital rights may become more valuable as a result of this action. When the movie is eventually made available digitally. There may be a spike in demand for it on OTT platforms due to the exclusivity and suspense it has generated. This strategy not only benefits theatres but also ensures a lucrative deal for digital rights post-theatrical run.

Aamir Khan‘s choice is an homage to the classic cinematic experience. The experience of viewing a movie on a large screen, with its excellent audio and visual quality, is unmatched. Aamir’s decision to give the theatrical release top priority highlights the value of this experience. Which has been somewhat diminished in the era of digital streaming.


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