Gulshan Devaiah Criticizes Publicity Methods for ‘Kashmir Files’

Gulshan Devaiah Criticizes Publicity Methods for ‘Kashmir Files’

Gulshan Devaiah recently voiced his discomfort with the promotional tactics employed for the film ‘Kashmir Files,’ which delves into real-life events. Expressing his concern, Devaiah discussed how the extensive use of victim interviews for publicity purposes left him uneasy.

In a candid statement, Gulshan Devaiah conveyed his reservations about the approach taken to publicize the film, emphasizing his belief that using interviews of victims for promotional ends amounts to exploitation. He underscored the ethical dilemma of capitalizing on real-life suffering to generate publicity, stating that it crosses a moral boundary.

Gulshan Devaiah shares the victims were exploited:

Devaiah’s critique sheds light on the sensitive balance between storytelling and respecting the privacy and dignity of individuals affected by historical events. He highlighted the importance of handling such narratives with empathy and responsibility, rather than sensationalizing or exploiting them for commercial gain.

The actor’s remarks reflect a broader discussion within the film industry about the ethics of promoting films based on real events. By questioning the methods used in ‘Kashmir Files’ publicity, Gulshan Devaiah prompts reflection on how filmmakers and marketers can navigate the delicate terrain of portraying sensitive subjects.

Gulshan Devaiah, known for his nuanced performances and outspoken views, continues to advocate for ethical practices in storytelling. His stance on the promotional strategies for ‘Kashmir Files underscores his commitment to upholding integrity in media representation and storytelling.

While acknowledging the film’s intent to shed light on significant historical events, Gulshan Devaiah encourages a critical examination of the methods through which such narratives are brought to the public eye. His critique serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that accompany portraying real-life tragedies on screen. Gulshan Devaiah’s critique of the publicity surrounding Kashmir Files raises important questions about the ethical boundaries of promoting films based on real-life events.


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