Sharmin Segal wants to play this iconic role from Sanjay Leela Bhanshali’s film

Sharmin Segal wants to play this iconic role from Sanjay Leela Bhanshali’s film

Sharmin Segal in a recent interview expressed her admiration for the character of Kashi in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani, Sharmin Segal revealed her desire to step into the role. Reflecting on Priyanka Chopra’s portrayal of Kashi, Segal praised Chopra’s ability to capture the character’s vulnerability with incredible skill.
“Kashi,” Segal acknowledged, encapsulating the essence of her sentiment. In her words, she highlighted the profound depth of vulnerability that Chopra brought to the character, recognizing the immense talent and dedication evident in her portrayal.
Segal’s admiration for Chopra’s performance was tinged with a sense of humility as she contemplated the challenge of living up to such a memorable portrayal. Despite her doubts, Segal expressed a willingness to embrace the character of Kashi, acknowledging the significance of the role and the impact it had on audiences.
The character of Kashi is one of delicate complexity, requiring an actor to navigate a range of emotions with finesse. Chopra’s portrayal resonated deeply with viewers, earning acclaim for its authenticity and emotional depth. Segal’s admiration for Chopra’s work speaks volumes about the influence it had on her as an aspiring actor.
In expressing her desire to play Kashi, Segal embraced the opportunity to bring her own interpretation to the character while honoring the legacy of those who came before her. Her words reflected a sense of reverence for the craft of acting and the transformative power of a compelling performance.
Sharmin Segal prepared to take on the role, she approached it with a blend of humility, admiration, and determination.
Sharmin Segal’s sentiments underscored the dynamic nature of storytelling in film and the collaborative spirit that drives the creative process. With her admiration for Priyanka Chopra’s portrayal as inspiration, Sharmin Segal embarked on her own journey to breathe new life into the beloved character of Kashi.


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