“Ishq Vishk Rebound” Review: A Take on Love and Relationships

“Ishq Vishk Rebound,” a follow-up to the 2003 rom-com “Ishq Vishk,” brings a fresh perspective to love, relationships, and the complexities of modern dating. While it may not be a flawless film, it captures the essence of Gen Z romance. “Ishq Vishk Rebound” Review, A Take on Love and Relationships.

The Story:

The movie kicks off with a whirlwind of kisses, catchy songs, and a lack of substantial plot in the first half. But don’t let that fool you—there’s more beneath the surface. In an author-backed role, Rohit Saraf shines as Raghav, an aspiring screenwriter. He experiences the highs and lows of love, using them as inspiration for his script for a proposed film-within-a-film titled “Ishq Vishk 2.0.”

“Ishq Vishk Rebound” Review:

“Ishq Vishk Rebound” reflects the changing norms of dating over the past 21 years. Overthinking is now the norm, and couples don’t break up without fully expressing their thoughts. Raghav, our goody two-shoes protagonist, grapples with emotional crises while navigating relationships. He spills out his feelings and opinions freely, even turning to the camera to share his innermost thoughts.

Debutante Pashmina Roshan plays Sanya, one of Raghav’s childhood pals. Her chemistry with Rohit Saraf adds depth to the film. However, the acting performances overall fall short, leaving room for improvement.

Director Nipun Dharmadhikari’s “Ishq Vishq Rebound” isn’t a typical sequel. It diverges from the original in both spirit and storyline. While the OG “Ishq Vishk” had its toxic moments, this rebound version captures the complexities of relationships in the Instagram age.“Ishq Vishk Rebound” may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s a situational rom-com that resonates with the younger audience. Whether you’re a Rohit Saraf fan or simply curious about modern love, give it a watch!


The film shows New Age Rom Com with must know life and love lessons. The actors has given their best to depict the roles well. The screenplay was written well to keep the audience engaging.


There are few scenes that were lagged. The story could have been more playful and engaging in few scenes.

Rating: 2/5


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