Did you know Suniel Shetty rescued 124 women?

Did you know Suniel Shetty rescued 124 women?

Suniel Shetty played a pivotal role in rescuing 124 Nepalese women from the grips of human trafficking. The harrowing incident unfolded in Kamathipura, Mumbai’s notorious red-light district, where these women were trapped in a web of exploitation.
The rescue operation, which took place on February 5, 1996, was a collaborative effort involving local police, social workers, and Shetty himself. The entire area was cordoned off as authorities swooped in to liberate the women from their oppressors.

Victim recalled the decisive actions that led to their freedom

Tamang, who was trafficked from her village years earlier, found herself trapped in the dark alleys of Kamathipura until the day of the rescue. Reflecting on the events, she recalled the decisive actions that led to their freedom. However, the journey to safety was fraught with challenges as bureaucratic hurdles threatened their return to Nepal.
Following their rescue, efforts to repatriate the women faced a setback when the Nepalese government initially refused to facilitate their return, citing administrative reasons such as missing birth certificates and citizenship cards. This unexpected roadblock further prolonged their ordeal, highlighting the complexities involved in rescuing and rehabilitating trafficking survivors.

Suniel Shetty and his team mobilized resources to navigate the diplomatic and logistical challenges in response to the bureaucratic fix. With determination and perseverance, they eventually secured the necessary documentation and arranged for the women’s safe return to Nepal. The success of the operation was a testament to Shetty’s commitment to humanitarian causes beyond the realm of cinema.

The incident also shed light on the broader issue of human trafficking, particularly the plight faced by vulnerable women who fall victim to this heinous crime. Suniel Shetty’s involvement highlighted the role that public figures can play in raising awareness and taking concrete actions to combat such atrocities. In the years since the rescue, Charimaya Tamang went on to found Shakti Samuha, an organization dedicated to supporting survivors of sex trafficking. Her journey from victim to advocate symbolizes resilience and the power of collective action in addressing social injustices.


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