Kalki 2898 AD Saswata Chatterjee: A Singular Journey as Commander Manas

Kalki 2898 AD Saswata Chatterjee: A Singular Journey as Commander Manas. Saswata Chatterjee, the acclaimed actor from Kolkata, India, has graced both television and film with his versatile performances. While his early career included notable roles, it was his portrayal of Bob Biswas in Sujoy Ghosh’s “Kahaani” that catapulted him to national recognition.

A Visionary Project: “Kalki 2898 AD”

Saswata’s latest venture, “Kalki 2898 AD,” directed by Nag Ashwin, presented a unique challenge. The film’s futuristic concept initially left Saswata grappling to understand the director’s vision. Shooting against a green screen added complexity, making it hard to visualize the final product. However, Ashwin’s assurance that he was in capable hands helped Saswata trust the process.

The crucial look test, where Saswata donned the heavy costume, provided insights into his character’s body language and dialogue delivery. Despite not knowing Telugu, he dubbed for himself using English scripts provided by the team. His interactions primarily revolved around Deepika Padukone, who portrayed Sumati in the film. Deepika’s down-to-earth nature left a lasting impression, especially when she playfully asked, “Dada, phir aapko bulaaya. Mujhe nahi bulaaya?” (Dada, they called you again, but not me?) on their first day of shooting.

Nag Ashwin: A Calm Visionary

Nag Ashwin surprised Saswata with his composed demeanor on set. Despite helming a massive project, Ashwin remained soft-spoken and calm. Saswata humorously noted that Ashwin’s driving style was the only exception—he had a racer’s mindset!

Attention to Detail: The film’s commitment to detail extended to action sequences. Saswata encountered a board with 250 photographs, each capturing a specific moment. This meticulous approach exemplified the dedication of the “Kalki 2898 AD” team. As we eagerly await the film’s release, Saswata’s portrayal of Commander Manas promises to be a cinematic journey like no other.

Kalki 2898 AD Saswata Chatterjee: A Singular Journey as Commander Manas. Saswata Chatterjee’s ability to embrace diverse roles continues to captivate audiences, and “Kalki 2898 AD” adds another intriguing chapter to his remarkable career.


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