Nicola Coughlan shares she made this dish for Luke Newton

Nicola Coughlan shares she made this dish for Luke Newton

During a recent interview, Nicola Coughlan, known for her role in Bridgerton, revealed an unexpected talent outside of acting and her love for cooking in the kitchen. When asked about cooking for the cast, she recounted a charming retelling involving her co-star Luke Newton. Luke Newton has a soft spot for Peanut Butter Crumble, a fact he shared with Nicola Coughlan during their time together on set. In response to his craving, Nicola Coughlan jokingly offered to make the dessert for him.

Nicola Coughlan didn’t just stop at making promises, she has a history of treating her fellow actors with homemade goodies. Nicola Coughlan reminisced about her days of preparing little treats for the cast, showcasing her affectionate and caring nature behind the scenes.

The actress, Nicola Coughlan, was generous enough to share her recipe for Peanut Butter Crumble during the interview. Nicola Coughlan’s detailed instructions left the host and likely the audience salivating for a taste. The simplicity of her recipe makes it accessible for anyone wanting to recreate this delectable dessert at home.
Nicola Coughlan’s Peanut Butter Crumble is a delightful blend of sweet and nutty flavors, combining the richness of peanut butter with the comforting crunch of a crumble topping. Her method involves straightforward steps that even novice bakers can follow, ensuring that the dessert turns out just as irresistible as she describes.
This revelation about Nicola Coughlan’s culinary skills adds another layer to her already endearing persona. Beyond Nicola Coughlan’s on-screen charisma, she demonstrates a nurturing side that extends to her relationships with her colleagues.

More About Nicola Coughlan:

Nicola Coughlan has proven herself to be not only a talented actress but also a skilled baker. The actress recently appeared in Bridgerton’s newest season. Nicola Coughlan was seen playing the role of Penelope Fetherington and also the role of Lady Whistledown. In Season 3 fans would get to witness Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington’s come together as a team.


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