Suniel Shetty Reveals Secret to His Long-Lasting Marriage

Suniel Shetty and his wife, Mana Shetty, have been a power couple in Bollywood for over four decades. In a recent interaction on Bharti TV, the actor opened up about the secret to their long-lasting marriage and how Mana’s patience played a crucial role in maintaining their relationship. Suniel, known for his macho demeanour, shared insights into their journey together and the unwavering support Mana has shown him throughout the years.

The Early Days of Suniel and Mana’s Relationship

Suniel Shetty reminisced about the early days of his relationship with Mana, revealing that they dated for nine years before tying the knot. Despite Suniel’s mother initially being against their marriage, Suniel stood firm in his decision. He shared, “Mana and I had been seeing each other for nine years before marriage, and whenever my mom brought up the topic of marriage, I would tell her, ‘You know I am seeing someone. If I marry someone else, I will ruin the lives of two girls. So it is better that I don’t marry. I won’t go against you, but I also won’t marry.'”

During the interaction, Suniel lauded his wife’s patience and gentle nature, contrasting it with his own rugged persona. He admitted, “I was a gunda, literally. I used to have the button of my shirt open with long hair. This was much before I became an actor, but she was really patient.” Suniel’s candid confession highlights the dynamics of their relationship, showcasing Mana’s understanding and adaptability.

Mana Shetty’s Unwavering Support and Patience

Suniel Shetty also shared anecdotes about the challenges they faced as a couple. He recalled meeting Mana at odd hours due to their demanding schedules, stating, “I used to meet Mana at four o’clock in the morning on Christmas and New Year, but she didn’t once complain. The minute we met, everything about her seemed so caring and so loving. One year, two years, three years, four years, and nine years, and my parents kept saying no. Her parents loved me from day one, we got along. Her mom and I were a riot together.”

Their love story is a testament to patience, understanding, and unwavering support. After a long courtship, Suniel and Mana tied the knot on December 25, 1991. They welcomed their first child, Athiya, in 1992 and their second child, Ahan, in 1996. Suniel’s reflections on their journey together underscore the importance of mutual respect and patience in a successful marriage.

Suniel Shetty’s candid revelations about his marriage to Mana Shetty provide valuable insights into the dynamics of a long-lasting relationship. Their journey, marked by patience, support, and unwavering love, continues to inspire fans and couples alike.


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