“What Does Divorce Mean?” Alimony or An Individual Right To Natasha Stankovic

“What Does Divorce Mean?” Alimony or An Individual Right To Natasha Stankovic

In the recent set of events, many media portals have been reporting that Hardik Pandya and Natasha Stankovic couple have major differences which might result in the couple parting ways.

Natasha Stankovic and Hardik Pandya said their wedding vows during the pandemic. The couple have been blessed with a baby boy. The happy mere couple or not a couple anymore, this is something that only the couple shall know. Looks like many media portals and netizens have been actively monitoring the couple’s social media presence and have come to the conclusion that the couple has a high chance of parting ways.

Speculations or Conclusion:

Unfortunately, what is so disappointing about the situation is that most have them seem to play the role of that one nosy uncle or aunty in everyone’s family, who always tunes in for gossip. Whether the couple is going through major differences or has separated, one of the media portals is observed to have shared that Hardik who had his entire property registered in his mother’s name might have to proffer around 70 percent of his property to Natasha Stankovic.

Whether or not she accepts it or not, as media in the progressive society and as the masses of that society why do we often diviate from the important stance? Wanting to know what could be the reason is a human tendency but let it be a woman or a man when separated as an individual, do they not have the right to privacy and take time to strike back from the overwhelming moments?

Although reporting is a part of journalism and curiosity to learn the facts and state them is the major quality of journalists, why do we often forget that being curious and nosy are two different things? As fans having interest in a public figure is normal but does that only limit it to getting gossip or does that go beyond hoping the best for the idols?

Natasha Stankovic Alimony:

Regardless of whether Natasha is going to accept or will be provided with alimony, the indirect attempt of most people out there trying to portray her or give an idea to the public of her being a grubber is ethically incorrect even in the name of journalism is something these few portals should realize as rapidly as they can.


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