Malaika Arora’s Holistic Fitness Journey: Balancing Yoga & Gym

Malaika Arora, a fitness enthusiast, has become an inspiration for her commitment to a well-rounded fitness regimen.

Let’s explore the key aspects of Malaika Arora approach:

Balanced Fusion of Yoga and  Gym Workouts: Malaika seamlessly blends yoga asanas with gym sessions. 

Her Mondays involve stretching and flexibility, while Tuesdays see her briskly walking on the treadmill. 

Wednesdays focus on twisty yoga poses, and Thursdays are dedicated to strength training at the gym. 

Fridays bring her back to yoga,  Saturdays involve cable workouts and planks. Sundays are her well-deserved rest days.

Cardiovascular Health Boost: Regular cardio sessions keep her heart healthy and boost overall stamina.

Strength Training:  Hitting the gym thrice a week, she engages in focused weight-lifting sessions. 

Kickboxing for Fun and Fitness: Malaika’s love for kickboxing adds an exciting twist to her workouts. 

Refreshing Swim:  Swimming is her go-to activity for a full-body workout and mental relaxation.

Variety Keeps It Engaging: Alternating between pilates and yoga, she avoids monotony. She also explores new yoga asanas.

Dance Fusion:  Malaika practices Bharatnatyam, Jazz Ballet, and Russian Ballet, combining artistry with fitness.

Mindfulness Through Yoga and Meditation: Starting with Surya Namaskar, Ashtanga Vinyasa Asana follows.

Malaika Arora’s Consistency:  Malaika’s commitment lies in maintaining a consistent fitness routine.

Personalization: She tailors her regimen to her preferences, emphasizing that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to well-being.